Monday, December 17, 2012

Random Ranting

She's moved on, she's getting better, she's getting a happily ever after.
I'm stuck here. 
As always.
Can I crawl into a hole and just die right now?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Of Tears, Laughter and Hugs

Friday and Saturday were days of firsts for me.
-First public speaking competition
-First Class Encounter
-First big time cry sesh
-First time to seeeriously cry over a boy
-First time to seeeriously cry over a friend
-First time to seeeeriously cry over a competition
-First time to laugh genuinely despite sworn depression

So, they had different results--Fortunately, most of them were better than the others. But of course, everything had it's lessons to teach.

*The competition taught me that no matter how hard you try, you can't please everyone.
*The hugs I got when I arrived late for our Class Encounter reminded me that there are people who'd stick up for you no matter what the scorecards say.
*The time I cried over the guy told me sometimes, I just have to face the fact that he has friends... close ones at that.
*The time I cried over my friend taught me that sometimes, things might not work out the way we want (Even if future events aren't too sure yet.)
*And the times I laughed taught me that the best friends in the world can help you turn the worst of frowns upside down. 

Therefore, no matter what the result, cheers to firsts and to tears and to hugs and to ha-ha's!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Things I'm Actually Good At

We can argue all day about things that I'm not good at, but there are just some things that I cannot EVER screw up.

[1] Procrastina--I'll finish typing that later.

[2] Being lazy. (Does this really need explanation?)

[3] Being totally aware that the circle is a shape and that I, technically am in shape. (In English, that means being fat.)

[4] Gushing over the most--Wait, OHMYGOSH! Did he just blink?! Like, ehmeged... I BLINK TOO! WE ARE SOOO IN COMMON

[5] Overthinking the littlest things (I mean I saw him look away when I looked this means he hates me, right?)

Summarized in one sentence, I am good at being a lazy, procrastinating, gushy, paranoid fat girl.

I am good at being meeeee. :B

I Dream of Simple things

I've been busy recently.
No, really. It's hard to believe but I've been productive! :D
Hence the long blog hiatus.
This doesn't necessarily mean I'm not busy anymore but I'd just like to express that because of all the yadda-yadda's in life right now, I dream of a zillion things. Here's a fraction of a zillion:

[1] I dream of no homework to think of.

[2] I dream of not having to do any makeup work once I get back to school
[3] I dream of finishing Season 2 and 3 of Gossip Girl in a day (For Chuck is too tempting to pass up)
[4] I dream of eating and eating and eating the whole day (Actually did this today but, what the hell.)
[5] I dream of having a golden retriever puppy (Lol. That one's really random)
[6] I dream of having more time with you
[7] I dream of food. Lots of it.
[8] I dream of having you sing to me in that horrid voice of yours again complete with running your finger up my arm (SHET. Still can't get over this one. Sorry. D': :">)
[9] I dream of Chuck Bass. (Refer to number 3. XD)
[10] I dream of getting all the books I want without spending a single centavo or robbing a single bookstore.
[11] I dream of being able to act insane in class without eventually conceding and telling myself not to act crazy (This one's confusing.)
[12] I dream of finding purpose. For myself, my actions and more importantly... this post

And lastly,

[13] I dream of getting sleep so I may be able to actually dream

Good night, Blog.

Good night, Moon. >o<

Monday, November 5, 2012

Why Hoping For the Best is A Pain In the Gluteus Maximus

You may safely call me an attention whore as soon as this rant is finished

As much as I wanted to keep my promise of never posting whiny, girly rants on my supposedly fun and quirky blog, some people just don't make that possible.

Okay, fun facts first before everything else! Yaaaay! 

[1.]  Danielle Liza Garingalao Molina is human. (Wow. I find that very hard to believe. *Insert eyerolling here.*)
[2.] Danielle Liza Garingalao Molina (though some people beg to differ) is neither Google, Wikipedia nor any other information-providing website that anyone can access at their pleasure.
[3.] Danielle Liza Garingalao Molina is human. She comes with everything else that humans have which include raging hormones, faggy emotions, crappy rant moments, an overthinking teenage brain and a totally stupid heart.

Now that we've got the facts straight, it's time to rant. 

The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky has that one quote that I bet everyone who's read the book or watched the movie knows: "We accept the love we think we deserve" 

This just sums things up perfectly--why nice girls go for bad guys, bad guys go for nice girls, bad girls go for nice guys and nice guys go for bad girls.

*Breathe* Okay. Time for the part where I end up making myself look like an attention whore.

I feel very, very, very unappreciated right now.

There, I said it. I just--I just really don't like the way you treat me... Do I even exist in your world if I didn't have homework or seatwork or projects ya can cheat off or am I just as good as my last favor to you?

Dude, look at meeee! It's obvious already. Crystal-clear. Even kindergartners can tell that I.AM.INTO.YOU. I'd do anything you'd say as long as it doesn't threaten my life. Reputation aside, look at how many times I've risked cheating for you! Chemistry, social studies, English, Filipino, you name it. This is self-centered and stupid of me to rant about such small things but look at what it's doing to me. You're practically eating my heart out, hear... And --well, I just serve it to you on a silver platter.

So, now, this is what I get for thinking that after you've used me up to the last academic resource, that we'd still be friends. It's like some kind of practical joke that backfired--it never ends up funny. Well, now I guess I know that that's the best I can get from you--the most attention I can get from you is when you need a piece of paper or when you need me to help you write an essay.

Thank you, just thank you, for letting me know that I am just as disposable to you as the 5-10% that homework takes up in our grading system. 

I guess now it's safe to conclude that this is the love I think I deserve... The 'do not speak unless spoken to' sort of relationship. Thanks for letting me realize that. Thanks for giving that to me, okay? Kudos to you.

This is admittedly a really, really faggy post but I just can't live through this day without telling the world how stupid I am for even being in this situation--for being stupid enough to admit to the whole wide world that despite all that crap, I still feel like I love you.

Well, this is your homework speaking... Thanks.

 I love you.

Call me when you need more paper, okay?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Milk Tea that Spoke of Love [Cornball Contents Ahead]

My sister and I went on our once-in-a-blue-moon sisterly dates today. We went to the mall and all the cheesy cliche things that sissies do: We ate pizza for lunch not caring how many evil carbs were in that cheesy-meaty pizza, we ran around and played on the escalators and elevator not caring who the hell saw us (Well, excuse us for enjoying mall facilities!), we went to the toy store at least four times just to make sure they had UNO cards and TechDecks and to top it all off, we went to this itty bitty milk tea place which is just plainly lovable. 

Now, here comes the fun part, my sister had never been there before so she asked me to order for her. I got her a Tiramisu milk tea because that was the first flavor I ever got in that certain milk tea place. (YEAH, CUZ BAMF's love Tiramisu!) and I got a Caramel Milk Tea that everyone gets but I never do. 
So, this certain milk tea place likes to doodle on their cups... LOOK WHAT I GOT!

Say hi to Sissy's arm, guys!

Brace yourselves! Cornball moments ahead. :">

But seriously, when I saw that certain doodle on my cup, my first reaction was to show it to my 11-year old man-hater sister and say, "OMG. HAHA This is so funny! I'm not even in love! silly little cup!"

Then, as we walked out of the milk tea place because I was getting freaked out by some bitchy girl who was glaring at me from the other table (Do not mess with me, sistah. I mean, you do.not. want to mess with me!) I started to think about the silly little milk tea cup. 

Did I actually mean that I wasn't in love? Or was it some defense mechanism so my sis won't go all "I AM A DAUGHTER OF ARTEMIS AND I SHALL SLAY YOU AND ALL MEN FOR YOUR MUSHY LITTLE FEELINGS. PLUS, I'LL PERSONALLY SEE TO IT THAT YOUR HEART GETS BROKEN". 

It makes me wonder if in such a short matter of time knowing him (a quarter of which was used hating him.) Maybe I am in love with him? Maybe I'm not... It's been a while since I've felt that but--I dunno... 

If I wasn't in love why did I have to grab that certain something that he left in a certain place? Why would I be driven almost to tears when he fails to acknowledge our barely existent friendship? Why does the thought of him talking only to my friend when I'm right beside that friend tear me to shreds? Why is him being in a relationship alright with me?  Why can I look him right in the eye without flinching but break down into sobs the moment he leaves? I can't really remember how being in love felt... But in that case, time was of the essence--it lasted for four years so, is this one too early to judge? I don't really know... 

Well, on the other hand, if I did love him, would I have had the courage to slap him? Would I not care whether he was in a relationship or not (This is such a double-edged factor... Yes, it confuses me. *_*)? Would I still have giggly fangirl-y moments about him? 

Yes, it confuses me whether this is truly love or not... The wisdom of that delicious cup of Caramel Milk Tea confuses me even more. But as our dear Shakespearean English teacher once said, "Love is indescribable." I'm guessing it's something unfathomable that mere words aren't worthy of defining (Blech, okay. That sounded mushy and gross--but I guess it's true) 

Love or not love? Oh, great milk tea cup, why make me ponder on such little things?

At the moment, I don't know... But I do know that that was one hell of a good cup of Caramel Milk Tea.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why Boredom and Solitude Don't Help With My Diet


Okay, let me rephrase that. I am F-A-T faaaaat.

Better choice of words, there. Anyway. As I've said, I am a big-built, soft, mushy, larger-than-life sort of girl. And as much a surprise it is to some people as it is to me, I try to diet. BUT. There's a biiiig but there. (LOL. Geddit? A big but? You know like, BUTT. Aw, never mind) Solitude and boredom, for some weird reason always force me into the kitchen to whip up some weird concoctions. Once it was pancakes, another time chicken nuggets. This time, homemade donuts. 

I've never made homemade donuts before so I searched the net to satisfy my strange pregnant woman-esque cravings. And of course, my hands could not resist to grab my very low-quality camera phone to document the momentous event of me making my first ever EVER donuts. :))

They do not have holes but they're still donuts. They're special. :P Like a person with too many genes... I guess my donuts are genetically deficient. But they're still special little retarded donuts. :) 

Genetically Deficient Donuts Behind the scenes footage: So okay, my phone's really really blurry buuuut the first pic shows all the thingamajigs and whatchamacallits that I'd put together in a witch's cauldron which people lovingly call mixing bowls and cut them up into super non-circular circles which I fried to make... 
*drumroll please*


 Yes, my donuts may be in dire need of reconstructive surgery and whatnot but they can have that in my large-enough belly.

To hell with diets. Flour + Oil + Sugar + Chocolate = Yum (Okay, ew. It just sounded wrong that way. Ew. But still. Donuts are nummy)

 Satisfied fat girl is satisfied. :D

A Depressing Day of Depressing Depression

October 25, 2012 supposedly marked the day of the annually-anticipated opening of the school's intramurals. Unlike this year, the opening of intrams used to be scheduled in August but due to some changes in the curriculum and PE scheds and whatnot, it was set for today--the 25th of October. 

We spent a little bit more than a month practicing, dancing our stiff non-dancer asses off trying to be ready with a cheerdance routine that we'd perform against other junior classes and 3 other senior classes.

Well, due to a so-called 'Signal no. 2' storm warning (which should supposedly bring winds going from 60 kph-100 kph and rain strong enough to damage galvanized roofs rather than the sweet grin of good ole Mr. Sun and light drizzles we're experiencing at the moment) our intrams was rescheduled for November 5th.

Okay. What can be more depressing than sacrificing a night of staying up in front of the computer, waking up at 4 am, going to school at 6, dressing up ready to cheer, stressing on hair, makeup and final practices only to find out that the event will be cancelled because of what? A little rain? 

I mean, okay, no grudges to the school admin and whatnot since they said that the Department of Education will hold it against them if they chose to continue as majority wanted buuuut... This is just depressing... 

Our depressing props on the depressing floor

Our depressed classmates calling up their parents about the depressing news.

Our depressing--no wait. This isn't too depressing. HAH. We just know how to laugh at situations to lessen the depressing depression. (L-R clockwise: Linlin, Gerard, Stan, Njina, Angeli, Steffi)

Our depressing coat of arms. (Well, okay, the design itself isn't depressing but seeing our efforts in vain is... This was one of the things we actually worked for so it counts as depressing. XD)

My depressing jersey hung on my depressing wardrobe after a depressing day. 

So, there we have a depressing montage explaining the depressing things that happened on this depressing day. 

On the bright side, the depression of this day just welcomed our semestral break! A week of nothing, nothing and nothing to do! :)) 

Plus, this day just gave me reason to huddle up in bed with a good book and a cup of coffee.

Ah, the perks of sheer depression. :))

(Oh, and yes, my phone cam's quality is also very very very depressing.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hair Issues

The opening of the Intamurals is a very well-awaited event in school and as juniors, we'll be facing off with the seniors in the Cheerdance competition. 

Every section has their own gimmicks and weird costumes and whatnot... ours picked bangs. 

So, I've been wanting to replace my side bangs with full bangs for a while now since it didn't really work out with my natural hairline. Here's my chance, I thought. Many a times has my mother offered to cut my bangs. So, with full trust in her, I asked her to cut my bangs.

LESSON LEARNED: Mom + Kitchen Scissors + my bangs = EPIC FAIL

The shaaaaame... This is too embarrassing for words.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crushes Just Say the Darndest Things. :">

Self-explanatory title. :)

Well, okay. I am one of those girls lucky enough to even have decent conversations with her crush. Well, just as I'd mentioned in the title, crushes just say the darndest things. We've heard the cliches that go something like, "One word from him can make my day." It's not like that in my case. I mean, okay, I have a crush on him but it's a love-hate situation. He has to actually say something epic to make my day. Well, this little sweetheart just says the craziest things that make my heart go a mile a minute. Examples? 

[a.] "Dan, ngaa sang tupad ta pa ka, pirme ka man chakto?"

(Dan, how come you'd always the questions right while we were seatmates?)
He said that when I gave the wrong answer to a graded recitation in Social Studies way back when. Well, it was the middle of the schoolyear and seatplans had been changed. I used to sit beside him where encouraging fist bumps and high-fives would await every correct answer I got. :">

[b.] "Indi ko man na pag-ubrahun simo kun bal-an ko indi na sya safe."

(I wouldn't do that to you if I know it isn't safe.)
Okay, there's a very long, sensible story to this one. I was sitting outside our classroom where our chairs were temporarily put because we needed space to practice inside. So during breaks, I was sitting on the arm of one of the chairs, sitting on the arm. Then, he goes up behind me, holds my shoulders with both his hands and pulls me, thus making me fall backwards from the chair. I SWEAR I SAW MY LIFE FLASH BEFORE MY EYES. Well, he didn't mean for his little joke to be that bad but my weight and my position on the arm of the chair (mostly my weight) didn't make his prank work out. I would crashed spinal column-first on the floor and wrestled with fallen armchairs if he hadn't caught my back and helped me get up. Then, I slapped him. Yes, HAHA. Very appropriate response, Danielle. But he just laughed when I did and said sorry multiple times before saying the aforementioned quote which made me run away because it made me go gaga over him. 

Yes, being an awkward girl with non-coordinated motor skills has its perks. :)

Lastly, there's 

[c.] "Ti, ako ya, Dan? Palangga mo man ko?"

(How about me, Dan? Do you love me too?)
This...was...ummm, how do I put this lightly?
Yes, he asked me if I loved him. 
Well, it was all a joke, of course as I was talking about my old school and how badly I was treated there. Then, I said that my condition after spending more or less two years in my new school (the one I'm in now) was far better than 10 years in my old school. I ended my statement by saying I loved our class as a whole and that I loved all our classmates. Then, with an amused grin, he asked me if I loved him too.

HAH. I know I really shouldn't be posting this out in the open but I guess it's just an effect of having your crush say the darndest things ever. 

Oh, the things he does to my itty bitty heart :">

On Potato Chips and Politics

So, okay, for my first, non-blog Christening post, I wanted to write about something more socially-aware than ranting about some boy who broke my heart and yadda yadda yadda. Here we are then, what else can be more socially-aware than politics? Oh that and economical depletion.

Okay, so now, we are faced with a heapload of huge global problems: economy crises, corruption, poverty, incompetence, natural resource depletion, you name 'em, we've got 'em! 

But anyway, on a more serious note, these things have undeniably made their way into everyday life. Look, everything's sold at more expensive prices while being the cheapest, lamest quality ever. Nothing seems A-grade anymore. This tells me a lot of things, 

[a.] Everything's just starting to run out because of human activities ergo making everything 'rare' ergo price hikes. 

[b.] The government is being really really evil to us secretly so we'd cling to them even more.

[c.] The Mayans were right. END OF THE WORLD, PEOPLE. 12-21-12! MARK.THAT.DATE.

[d.] Zombies are making their way into grocery warehouses thus shortening our supplies.


Well, okay, maybe just a little. But after that, back to stoic faces, soldiers!

Okay, so not to burst doomsday's bubble but I did find a glint of hope today. *cue angellic harps and Aaaah's*


And it was huge people. 

This is real. World's not ending yet!


I guess this is how finding the Messiah felt like. 

But we still have hope despite the evil of economic and financial problems. 

And here it is, my friends, behold the intact potato chip.

Actual size, brothers, actual size. 

Christening My Blog

So, after months and months and months of considering having a blog and constantly putting it off for different reasons, mainly school-related, writer's block related or purely drowsy-grizzly-bear-me-mode-related, I finally decided on making one! 

Thanks to the same-old-same-old monotony of the second quarter exams, DING! Blog ideas. But now, before I go on and start raping this blog with my unrequited feelings and random jabber, I shall make an inaugural post worthy of Christening lil Quirky, here. (Yes, I named my blog Quirky. Got issues with that?) 

So, they said blogs are for freedom of expression and expressing feelings and indulging yourself in your kind of art. But what does one post when one feels... everything? Yes. Too many feelings which I am unable to express in just one blog post. Besides, even if I did know how to place them in just one chunk of blogging, I just don't think it's right to go crying over some guy or skipping around over some awesome happening today to Christen Quirky. Hmm, so yeah, here I am, inaugurating my blog with random blurb. 

Okay, you call random blurb unworthy of inaugurating my blog. Well, go find some other blog to read. LOLJKNO! So. Umm, let's put it this way.... If blogs need to know how you're feeling, well... I feel... Pink. 

Yes, like... Pink the color.

Not Pink the singer. (Though I have nothing against her)

Yes, pink like...

Oh, here it is.


Why? Well, I don't really know. But pink's a good color. I mean, it can mean you're insanely happy...or really BAMF sassy... or a cheesehead in love...

So, there. I have Christened my lovey, Quirky by feeling PINK. 

Yes, that was indeed some random blurb there.

But be prepared for more.

This pink-loving, pink-feeling, retard-ish, geek has only begun. 

Ummm... Yeah, Just a retard face to say hi. KBYE.