Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Depressing Day of Depressing Depression

October 25, 2012 supposedly marked the day of the annually-anticipated opening of the school's intramurals. Unlike this year, the opening of intrams used to be scheduled in August but due to some changes in the curriculum and PE scheds and whatnot, it was set for today--the 25th of October. 

We spent a little bit more than a month practicing, dancing our stiff non-dancer asses off trying to be ready with a cheerdance routine that we'd perform against other junior classes and 3 other senior classes.

Well, due to a so-called 'Signal no. 2' storm warning (which should supposedly bring winds going from 60 kph-100 kph and rain strong enough to damage galvanized roofs rather than the sweet grin of good ole Mr. Sun and light drizzles we're experiencing at the moment) our intrams was rescheduled for November 5th.

Okay. What can be more depressing than sacrificing a night of staying up in front of the computer, waking up at 4 am, going to school at 6, dressing up ready to cheer, stressing on hair, makeup and final practices only to find out that the event will be cancelled because of what? A little rain? 

I mean, okay, no grudges to the school admin and whatnot since they said that the Department of Education will hold it against them if they chose to continue as majority wanted buuuut... This is just depressing... 

Our depressing props on the depressing floor

Our depressed classmates calling up their parents about the depressing news.

Our depressing--no wait. This isn't too depressing. HAH. We just know how to laugh at situations to lessen the depressing depression. (L-R clockwise: Linlin, Gerard, Stan, Njina, Angeli, Steffi)

Our depressing coat of arms. (Well, okay, the design itself isn't depressing but seeing our efforts in vain is... This was one of the things we actually worked for so it counts as depressing. XD)

My depressing jersey hung on my depressing wardrobe after a depressing day. 

So, there we have a depressing montage explaining the depressing things that happened on this depressing day. 

On the bright side, the depression of this day just welcomed our semestral break! A week of nothing, nothing and nothing to do! :)) 

Plus, this day just gave me reason to huddle up in bed with a good book and a cup of coffee.

Ah, the perks of sheer depression. :))

(Oh, and yes, my phone cam's quality is also very very very depressing.)

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