Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crushes Just Say the Darndest Things. :">

Self-explanatory title. :)

Well, okay. I am one of those girls lucky enough to even have decent conversations with her crush. Well, just as I'd mentioned in the title, crushes just say the darndest things. We've heard the cliches that go something like, "One word from him can make my day." It's not like that in my case. I mean, okay, I have a crush on him but it's a love-hate situation. He has to actually say something epic to make my day. Well, this little sweetheart just says the craziest things that make my heart go a mile a minute. Examples? 

[a.] "Dan, ngaa sang tupad ta pa ka, pirme ka man chakto?"

(Dan, how come you'd always the questions right while we were seatmates?)
He said that when I gave the wrong answer to a graded recitation in Social Studies way back when. Well, it was the middle of the schoolyear and seatplans had been changed. I used to sit beside him where encouraging fist bumps and high-fives would await every correct answer I got. :">

[b.] "Indi ko man na pag-ubrahun simo kun bal-an ko indi na sya safe."

(I wouldn't do that to you if I know it isn't safe.)
Okay, there's a very long, sensible story to this one. I was sitting outside our classroom where our chairs were temporarily put because we needed space to practice inside. So during breaks, I was sitting on the arm of one of the chairs, sitting on the arm. Then, he goes up behind me, holds my shoulders with both his hands and pulls me, thus making me fall backwards from the chair. I SWEAR I SAW MY LIFE FLASH BEFORE MY EYES. Well, he didn't mean for his little joke to be that bad but my weight and my position on the arm of the chair (mostly my weight) didn't make his prank work out. I would crashed spinal column-first on the floor and wrestled with fallen armchairs if he hadn't caught my back and helped me get up. Then, I slapped him. Yes, HAHA. Very appropriate response, Danielle. But he just laughed when I did and said sorry multiple times before saying the aforementioned quote which made me run away because it made me go gaga over him. 

Yes, being an awkward girl with non-coordinated motor skills has its perks. :)

Lastly, there's 

[c.] "Ti, ako ya, Dan? Palangga mo man ko?"

(How about me, Dan? Do you love me too?)
This...was...ummm, how do I put this lightly?
Yes, he asked me if I loved him. 
Well, it was all a joke, of course as I was talking about my old school and how badly I was treated there. Then, I said that my condition after spending more or less two years in my new school (the one I'm in now) was far better than 10 years in my old school. I ended my statement by saying I loved our class as a whole and that I loved all our classmates. Then, with an amused grin, he asked me if I loved him too.

HAH. I know I really shouldn't be posting this out in the open but I guess it's just an effect of having your crush say the darndest things ever. 

Oh, the things he does to my itty bitty heart :">


  1. OMG. Ka-cute sa inyo! I give you my blessing. Lels.

  2. HAHA. No. Wala ko intention manguha laki nga may nobya. HAHA. :p
