Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On Potato Chips and Politics

So, okay, for my first, non-blog Christening post, I wanted to write about something more socially-aware than ranting about some boy who broke my heart and yadda yadda yadda. Here we are then, what else can be more socially-aware than politics? Oh that and economical depletion.

Okay, so now, we are faced with a heapload of huge global problems: economy crises, corruption, poverty, incompetence, natural resource depletion, you name 'em, we've got 'em! 

But anyway, on a more serious note, these things have undeniably made their way into everyday life. Look, everything's sold at more expensive prices while being the cheapest, lamest quality ever. Nothing seems A-grade anymore. This tells me a lot of things, 

[a.] Everything's just starting to run out because of human activities ergo making everything 'rare' ergo price hikes. 

[b.] The government is being really really evil to us secretly so we'd cling to them even more.

[c.] The Mayans were right. END OF THE WORLD, PEOPLE. 12-21-12! MARK.THAT.DATE.

[d.] Zombies are making their way into grocery warehouses thus shortening our supplies.


Well, okay, maybe just a little. But after that, back to stoic faces, soldiers!

Okay, so not to burst doomsday's bubble but I did find a glint of hope today. *cue angellic harps and Aaaah's*


And it was huge people. 

This is real. World's not ending yet!


I guess this is how finding the Messiah felt like. 

But we still have hope despite the evil of economic and financial problems. 

And here it is, my friends, behold the intact potato chip.

Actual size, brothers, actual size. 

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