Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why Boredom and Solitude Don't Help With My Diet


Okay, let me rephrase that. I am F-A-T faaaaat.

Better choice of words, there. Anyway. As I've said, I am a big-built, soft, mushy, larger-than-life sort of girl. And as much a surprise it is to some people as it is to me, I try to diet. BUT. There's a biiiig but there. (LOL. Geddit? A big but? You know like, BUTT. Aw, never mind) Solitude and boredom, for some weird reason always force me into the kitchen to whip up some weird concoctions. Once it was pancakes, another time chicken nuggets. This time, homemade donuts. 

I've never made homemade donuts before so I searched the net to satisfy my strange pregnant woman-esque cravings. And of course, my hands could not resist to grab my very low-quality camera phone to document the momentous event of me making my first ever EVER donuts. :))

They do not have holes but they're still donuts. They're special. :P Like a person with too many genes... I guess my donuts are genetically deficient. But they're still special little retarded donuts. :) 

Genetically Deficient Donuts Behind the scenes footage: So okay, my phone's really really blurry buuuut the first pic shows all the thingamajigs and whatchamacallits that I'd put together in a witch's cauldron which people lovingly call mixing bowls and cut them up into super non-circular circles which I fried to make... 
*drumroll please*


 Yes, my donuts may be in dire need of reconstructive surgery and whatnot but they can have that in my large-enough belly.

To hell with diets. Flour + Oil + Sugar + Chocolate = Yum (Okay, ew. It just sounded wrong that way. Ew. But still. Donuts are nummy)

 Satisfied fat girl is satisfied. :D

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