Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Things I'm Actually Good At

We can argue all day about things that I'm not good at, but there are just some things that I cannot EVER screw up.

[1] Procrastina--I'll finish typing that later.

[2] Being lazy. (Does this really need explanation?)

[3] Being totally aware that the circle is a shape and that I, technically am in shape. (In English, that means being fat.)

[4] Gushing over the most--Wait, OHMYGOSH! Did he just blink?! Like, ehmeged... I BLINK TOO! WE ARE SOOO IN COMMON

[5] Overthinking the littlest things (I mean I saw him look away when I looked this means he hates me, right?)

Summarized in one sentence, I am good at being a lazy, procrastinating, gushy, paranoid fat girl.

I am good at being meeeee. :B

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