Monday, June 3, 2013

You. (Yes, You)

[Warning: This post has been heavily influenced by too many lonely As Told by Ginger marathons this summer and morning coffee coursing through my veins. Will be highly cheesy and emotional. You have been warned. Plus, it's really really, long. And if you feel like this post is about you and feel freaked out, you don't have to finish reading. If you feel uncomfortable considering it might be you I'm talking about, for the cosmos's sake, stop reading.]

Hello stranger,

We know each other far too well to be strangers. We're joint at the hip, in fact. We're each other's shadows, each other's can't-be-seen-without... It hasn't been too long since we first started talking to each other but we've gone a really, really, really long way from being just acquaintances. You basically know everything about me and I basically know everything about you. We can barely keep secrets from each other or at the very least, stop talking to each other. As I've said, we're each other's shadows. Where one goes, the other's bound to be close by. I could go on and talk about how close we are but that isn't the point.I just want it to come across, first of all that we are no where close to being oblivious of each other's existence. So, now, I guess it's funny of me to call you stranger.

I'm making myself a stranger to you and in the process, making you a stranger to me. My walls are going up while I'm tearing our bridges down. I'm sorry for that, Stranger. It's just that I can't stop. I don't want to keep doing it but I just can't stop.

There's just this horrible weird feeling I get every time we meet face to face now. Every time we talk,it feels like I'm talking to a person I don't know at all. Now,I act like I have to impress you every time we meet. Before you start thinking, I'll tell you, it's not your fault, I promise. I just don't get why it feels so different around you now. It's like we have force fields that make us repel off each other. I don't like it that way at all. I just want things to be back to normal--me feeling comfortable around you, not having to wear pressed powder or worry about how I look when we meet up, us calling each other bitch and just hollering at each other wherever we go. You might say that we still do all this but I swear to you, if you were in my shoes, you'd understand that they don't feel the same at all. 

It's not your fault. Really,it's not and  honestly, I'm not too sure whose fault it really is. I can blame myself, though, for the mean time. I can't always go on blaming my idiot hypothalamus for making me go head over heels over for you, but I guess I made a mistake somewhere down this path. Sometimes, I hate myself for making that happen--that weird encounter we had in my living room. I didn't really think those five words would drive me deeper into this totally weird emotion I'm wallowing in right now but I guess it did. 

I'm pouring my heart out right here, right now on the worldwide web where just about anyone can see how pathetically stricken I am by you--even you can see this, but that's not my biggest fear. Well, I did put thought into every word I penned onto this post right now but what's there to fear when I know you already know the entire truth of it all?

There's a difference to knowing what's going on inside my head   and actually believing what I've told you. It was my fault, probably, stranger, that you seem to be an unbeliever of my confession. I have to admit, it was uncalled for. it did put our friendship and everything in between at risk. It was  a stupid idea. A really stupid one. And it was more stupid of me to laugh at my own words. Could I have expected you to take me seriously when I couldn't take myself seriously? 


This post is probably going to be me pouring diesel and tossing a match at the last bits of bridges we have left from the ones I've dessicated with a mental sledgehammer. And it might also be the one thing that would grow my mental protective walls to 400 feet all around me but what's the worst I could do after saying it in your face? 

I know well enough from what you tell me and what I force myself to keep listening to that I won't ever be the girl to you. Like, ever. No. I know that and now that I know how excruciating it is to listen to and sing along to that certain Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat song and get feels, I get why you've always to leave this 'zone'. Singing along to it and only being able to relate to the words that regard myself and despise the lines that supposedly include how you feel make me realize how sucky being in this 'zone' feels. I know you get how I feel but this is just to bash the ever-made-popular idea that girls never get put into this twilight zone. 

Stranger, I've made an agonizingly long post here and even I don't see the point of it. I don't get why I'm bearing myself all out like this simply because I'm secure that you already know what I feel about you. I don't get why I want you to understand that I was serious when I'm supposed to be reveling in the fact that you kept it cool between us. Seriously. I don't get why I'm letting myself drive me to typing all this! 


Just humor me for these next few lines, stranger--the way we humored my little 5-worded confession to you. I can't stop thinking of you and how stupid I was for not ever knowing that you were there for me all along. You really were. We laughed together, we fought and at least once, I've soaked your shoulder with my tears, literally. I was exuberant when I found out and confirmed to myself that my feelings for you were real. But that was back when I saw you as my rock and the anchor that kept me on my feet when everything tried to knock me down. Now, you're one of those things that'll make me trip and I made you that way. Humor me when I say this in every way I know, or better yet, don't read this or forget that I ever wrote it: As Chuck and Blair fought about and all, I just want to say 3 words and 8 letters that could alter the course of my entire universe. I love you. 143. ILY. Je t'aime. Wo ai ni. I ove-lay ou-yay. 

Yes, I said it in pig Latin. I am that  serious. I just hope you humored me enough to finish reading this post.
You're close, actually and congrats for enduring this literary mess. 

So, stranger, I know this post would one way or another reach you and it'll be my loss and not yours if you read this. See what an obsessed, boy-worshiping fangirl I am. You won't be new to it. I used to do this stuff a lot in front of you... Only that now, it's about you. And if you still don't believe me after I tear my heart out and shamelessly bear it out here on the internet, at least you can listen to those people who'd read this and actually believed in what I felt. All these 1,437 words that’ll appear once I press this annoyingly orange publish button is how serious I am about what I'd said that fateful day in March.

 I don't need you to love me. I know you do but just not in the way that I love you. All I want from you is for you to believe what I'd said and if it isn't too much to ask, I'd like you to pick up a big ass sledgehammer and tear down these walls I've made. 


PS. Yes, I know how stupid I am. I don't blame you for thinking that. 

[And now, I'm just going to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment and utter sadness. My heart... It hurts... Really bad. And you won't be here to let me cry]


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