Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Boss Battle

And just when I thought I'd be able to blog more often because it's summer... Stuff get in the way. Oooof course. Well, I can make a whole list of them and I'd still find more reasons for not blogging frequently. (Most of it was procrastination, though)

So, here I go. To force myself to myself to blog more often, I shall now face the first boss battle of my short-lived, well-procrastinated blogger life: *drumroll, please* 

A 30-Day Blog Challenge!

I wish I could say I came up with this ingenius idea to stop me from being blog-lazy by myself buuut of course, my brain was too lazy to even remember taking up a blog challenge. So, if ever that person who I got this idea from *cough,LesleyAnneLopezErum,cough* sees this, I won't be liable of idea infringement or whatever its called. XD

Here it iiiis:

Now, all I have to do is kiss procrastination buh-bye, blog religiously aaaand cross all my fingers and toes that I don't suck at this. 

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