Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Bientot, Eté *Bise, bise*

I've barely ticked anything from my Summer Bucketlist but and summer's already ending in a couple of weeks! :(

But we can't turn back time no matter how much we want to. Sooooo, my class mates and I got together at Steffi's place for a Kiss-Summer-Goodbye picnic. :) 

*drumroooooolllll... PHOTO MONTAGE!*

It'd NEVER be right for our class to not be eating 

 Silly dare #1: Sing while doing crunches. 
 Silly dare #2: Have little Miss Prim and Proper do the Harlem Shake Opening

 And I guess everyone was bitten by the silly bug that day:

Oh! And can you saaaaay.... Macho?

 We are not dancers but everyone can do the Harlem Shake! ;)

Here's me and my bestest friends ever trying to take "decent" pictures together:


Summer 2013, you might not have been perfect but you did end with a bang. 

Je t'aime, ete.
Au revoir. 
*bise, bise*  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 6: Your Views on Mainstream Music

I am not a big fan of anything mainstream. Mainstream is... well, mainstream. 

Okay, I think most mainstream music is in a way, "commercialized". Most of the songs and singers themselves are out to impress rather than to express. 

Though I am a nooby-noob-noob when it comes to indie music, a lot of it so far has given me chills an can wrench my heart into directions that mainstream music doesn't. Indie music has a really different feel to it. Their lyrics are poetic, singers' voices are different in such cute quirky ways and they use instruments that barely see the light in most mainstream music. 

Mainstream music is known by everyone, hence being mainstream. On the other hand, only people who like the indie vibe have heard indie music. It's a bit like having your own little private island when you need to escape from the crazy, crazy world we live in. They also sing about such deep things like trouble or sickness but they way their voices carry the lyrics is just--ahhh. :)

But as you've noticed, I've used the term most mainstream music. I'm not a staunch anti-mainstream music person. I'd have to say that it'd just be a matter of selection. A lot of mainstream songs pull on my heart strings too (while a lot of them make me crazy dance)

And if you care enough, here's a few of my favorite mainstream and indie songs.


  1. Just Give Me a Reason by Pink Ft. Nate Ruess
  2. Still Into You by Paramore
  3. One Way Or Another by One Direction
  4. 22 by Taylor Swift
  5. I Won't Give Up On Us by Jason Mraz
  6. It Will Rain By Bruno Mars
  7. Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift
  8. Can I Have This Dance by Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
  9. Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
  10. Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips
Indie (And lesser known bands):

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 5: Things You Might Say To An Ex

This post is exceedingly funny considering that I have Z-E-R-O exes. And neither do I have any boyfriends nor girlfriends (eh) nor have I heard anyone at least profess their undying Shakespearean love to me. So, hmm... How do I do this one? :/

Okay, let's pretend I do have an ex. (I hereby name my hypothetical ex Al.) What would I say considering what a huge bubble of socially awkwardness I am? 

Hmm, let's also pretend that it was a nice little fairytale relationship until the it's not you, it's me moment came. (Does that actually happen in real life) And poof, bye-bye, prince charming (Or in this case, Prince Al.) So, uhhh, what now? o.o

(This is a hopeless post. *facepalm*)

I guess I'd be the bitter, masochistic, Twitter-flooding ex who stays up until 2 am just to Tweet stuff like, "Where did I go wrong? :( #SlashWrists" or "Loving you meant letting you go. </3" or maybe "All I wanted for you was to be happy. :'( Now you are. //" 

Ehhh... Come to think of it, if my Twitter account would turn into a bitter self-blaming wasteland... I'm not sure if I really want an ex anymore. o.O

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 4: Bullet Your Day

This will be a very short post considering how uneventful my summer days are. 

So today I...

  • Woke up (duh)
  • Personal hygiene-y things and breakfast
  • Church
  • Lunch
  • Home
  • Cleaned up my room
  • Crazy dance session with my little sis
  • Internet hogging
  • Dinner
  • More internet hogging

See how exciting my life iiiis? :3

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 3: A Book That You Love

I never thought it'd all come down to this. 
As a self-confessed bibliophile, I guess you can imagine how this feels like. Grr. But in the end, I had to pick. I love a whole lot of books and series, definitely but if I were to choose just one, it'd be The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. 

Cassandra Clare takes twists to another level! *Spoiler witheld* The 1st of her 6-Book series was amazing and honestly, very, very honestly, it's the first book that made me cry. (Yes, a fantasy-action book made me cry) Describing it without spoiling anything is excruciatingly difficult and me summarizing stories often ends up badly. It's basically about a girl, Clary who discovered the world of demon-hunting Angelic beings called Shadowhunters. (See, that descripiton sucked) XD But I swear, it is an amazing read that'll leave you laughing at Jace's sarcasm, then gushing at his and Clary's romance, then crying over Alec and Magnus, then tossing the book at what a douche Valentine is. You'd get feels you never thought you could have! (Seriously)

To sum this up in two words, read iiiit. It's really worth a shot. 

(And the movie's coming up! August 23, 2013. Mark your calendars!)

Friday, May 3, 2013

30-Day Blog Challenge Day 2: Something You Feel Strongly About

We are alive because we have to learn. Life itself is our teacher.

Yeah, we've heard that over and over again. Experience is the best teacher. But only now do I realize that everything in the world really is  a lesson and in the end, we often end up laughing at how hard it was for us to learn those lessons. When they told me that high school is a roller coaster ride, I never thought that it would be this crazy. just like a roller coaster ride, there are some sharp turns and twists that freak us out at first and make us cry or scream or yell for our mommies but ones we face an even bigger, scarier loop, we look back at that smaller one, laugh and start praying to have that littler one again. But being on the bigger loop becomes a lot less daunting since learning from the first one, we learn to trust that our safety belts won't suddenly click open and leave us freefalling. 

Ergo, now I can say that since life is a huge lesson in itself, we can never say that we've learned enough because if we have, well, life just isn't life anymore.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

30-Day Blog Challenge Day 1: 5 Ways to Win My Heart

[This post goes out to some unfortunate, probably blind and lonely martian boy who might actually like me]

First of all, I have to say that this post is funny because... well, just because. 

Anywho, it's time to commence the 30-Day Blog challenge with: 

5 Ways to Win My Heart

Read with me Okay, this doesn't necessarily mean literally reading with me (I'm very much capable of deciphering combinations of the Phoenician-inspired alphabet, thank you very much) But it just means that I'd really really love someone I can nerd out with. Someone who can talk in fandom language, appreciate every single "feel" with me, share my OTPs, predict sequels and criticize movie adaptations with. There's nothing wrong with being geeky, honestly if it's up to me. You'd be weird if you were un-geeky. 

Sing (Or at least make me a playlist) Nothing and I mean, nothing is more romantic than having someone pick out songs meant for no one but you. Plus, having someone actually sing them to you would be... oh, heaven. 

Bake with me Hey, the stomach's not just that way to a man's heart. It's a one way ticket to mine, definitely. Sweet tooth right here. Meehee.

Write Nothing bums me out more than a cute guy who can't even use proper grammar. On the other hand, cute guys who can write make me swoon. Plus, nothing beats seeing words that show stuff about someone that I've never known before while tugging at my heartstrings. 

Teach me to dance! (Or at least crazy dance with me) I've had a soft spot for dance since time and memorial but unfortunately, dance would file a restraining order against me if it could. Ergo, a guy who'd teach me to dance (HSM 3 rooftop scene, maybe? *eyebrow wiggle*) or dance with me like we were fighting over who could dance crazier would be great. 

So, to any guy who's blind or tasteless enough to like me, those are the top 5 ways to sneak your way right into my heart. :) I'm not that hard to impress. Pfff. All I need now is someone who'd actually need this list. -______-"

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Boss Battle

And just when I thought I'd be able to blog more often because it's summer... Stuff get in the way. Oooof course. Well, I can make a whole list of them and I'd still find more reasons for not blogging frequently. (Most of it was procrastination, though)

So, here I go. To force myself to myself to blog more often, I shall now face the first boss battle of my short-lived, well-procrastinated blogger life: *drumroll, please* 

A 30-Day Blog Challenge!

I wish I could say I came up with this ingenius idea to stop me from being blog-lazy by myself buuut of course, my brain was too lazy to even remember taking up a blog challenge. So, if ever that person who I got this idea from *cough,LesleyAnneLopezErum,cough* sees this, I won't be liable of idea infringement or whatever its called. XD

Here it iiiis:

Now, all I have to do is kiss procrastination buh-bye, blog religiously aaaand cross all my fingers and toes that I don't suck at this.