Friday, February 21, 2014

The Tintinabulation of Bells

Cliche as it may sound, girls have this horrendously detailed idea of what they wish (need) their future wedding to look like by around the age of 18 or so. Well, I, being the above average girl, already have that zany cloud of thoughts at 16 years old and 4 months. Yup. Ask my friends, my seatmates, I'd tell anyone who'd listen about my obsession about my to-be wedding in the future.

I completely agree if you think it's insane for me to already have ideas but yes, insane is a lifestyle I shall continue to live by. Okay, to cut this post intro short, I shall proceed to a Pinterest-worthy montage that shall stand witness to my obsession.

(Btw, tintinabulation is an actual word that Edgar Allan Poe coined to capture the sound of bells in a single word. It literally just means the sound of bells)

Okay, so, let's start off with the basics. It'll be an orchard wedding.

With a swing because swings make everything so romantic. (although they are pedophilic and seek children's butts)

(See how romantic a swing is?! asdfghjkl)

Oh, and a horse. Because I love horses. 

(Majestic as shizz)

Adorable save-the-dates! :D

And these little quirky idiosyncracies

(Mason jars, mason jars everywhere)

Of course, the perfect dress

(Although I'd need the perfect body first because...)

Oh, but cake. 
(I crie)

And of course, a cutesy entourage 

Oh, and you guys, meet my maid-of-honor to be. She's like my best friend ever, the sweetest, craziest girl who can dole out the best advice and is killer on the soccer field (ish): Bea Nicole Leguro Leal 

Isn't she gorgeous? >:) (Sorry, Bei. I know you'd still be my maid of honor despite this.) 

Speaking of gorgeous things, one last thing to top the list off. 

Just um, uh, er... a Harry Winston (?)

I know, I'm cruel. Huhuhuhu. :'( But look at how awesome an HW box iiiis. D: (It opens sideways!)

So, I'm a romantic--a hopeless one at that but at least I come prepared if the fates are good. 

All I need now is a future groom...

And a 7-foot tall pile of money. 

1 comment:

  1. I find some of your images are missing. Would you please re-upload them?
