Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 7: 5 Pet Peeves

Lazy, lazy, lazy. That's my explanation but I'm back on track soooo,

YAY! A blog post where I get to talk about stuff I hate!

Here goes nothing!

1. Know-it-alls. When you can explain something in just a sentence, kindly do so. Save flowery words and words with more than 15 letters in them for vocabulary in English class and no one really cares if you can memorize all the elements of the periodic table, their discoverers, their atomic weights and in which household items you can find them. 

2. Line cutters. We all know one of these.

3. People with no respect for my books. Hmm, this includes spine breakers, doggy-earers, cover folders, page rollers and overdue borrowers. Honestly, I think I'm the only person with the right to destroy my books. (Meehee)

4. Excessive worriers. Life is stressful enough. People, especially leaders who can't take stress well and worry and go crazy and are borderline irritating (more like sanity-robbing) are just the worst. 

5. People who play music on their phones in public vehicles. Dude. Stop. Just--stop.

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