Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 5: Things You Might Say To An Ex

This post is exceedingly funny considering that I have Z-E-R-O exes. And neither do I have any boyfriends nor girlfriends (eh) nor have I heard anyone at least profess their undying Shakespearean love to me. So, hmm... How do I do this one? :/

Okay, let's pretend I do have an ex. (I hereby name my hypothetical ex Al.) What would I say considering what a huge bubble of socially awkwardness I am? 

Hmm, let's also pretend that it was a nice little fairytale relationship until the it's not you, it's me moment came. (Does that actually happen in real life) And poof, bye-bye, prince charming (Or in this case, Prince Al.) So, uhhh, what now? o.o

(This is a hopeless post. *facepalm*)

I guess I'd be the bitter, masochistic, Twitter-flooding ex who stays up until 2 am just to Tweet stuff like, "Where did I go wrong? :( #SlashWrists" or "Loving you meant letting you go. </3" or maybe "All I wanted for you was to be happy. :'( Now you are. //" 

Ehhh... Come to think of it, if my Twitter account would turn into a bitter self-blaming wasteland... I'm not sure if I really want an ex anymore. o.O

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