Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Milk Tea that Spoke of Love [Cornball Contents Ahead]

My sister and I went on our once-in-a-blue-moon sisterly dates today. We went to the mall and all the cheesy cliche things that sissies do: We ate pizza for lunch not caring how many evil carbs were in that cheesy-meaty pizza, we ran around and played on the escalators and elevator not caring who the hell saw us (Well, excuse us for enjoying mall facilities!), we went to the toy store at least four times just to make sure they had UNO cards and TechDecks and to top it all off, we went to this itty bitty milk tea place which is just plainly lovable. 

Now, here comes the fun part, my sister had never been there before so she asked me to order for her. I got her a Tiramisu milk tea because that was the first flavor I ever got in that certain milk tea place. (YEAH, CUZ BAMF's love Tiramisu!) and I got a Caramel Milk Tea that everyone gets but I never do. 
So, this certain milk tea place likes to doodle on their cups... LOOK WHAT I GOT!

Say hi to Sissy's arm, guys!

Brace yourselves! Cornball moments ahead. :">

But seriously, when I saw that certain doodle on my cup, my first reaction was to show it to my 11-year old man-hater sister and say, "OMG. HAHA This is so funny! I'm not even in love! silly little cup!"

Then, as we walked out of the milk tea place because I was getting freaked out by some bitchy girl who was glaring at me from the other table (Do not mess with me, sistah. I mean, you do.not. want to mess with me!) I started to think about the silly little milk tea cup. 

Did I actually mean that I wasn't in love? Or was it some defense mechanism so my sis won't go all "I AM A DAUGHTER OF ARTEMIS AND I SHALL SLAY YOU AND ALL MEN FOR YOUR MUSHY LITTLE FEELINGS. PLUS, I'LL PERSONALLY SEE TO IT THAT YOUR HEART GETS BROKEN". 

It makes me wonder if in such a short matter of time knowing him (a quarter of which was used hating him.) Maybe I am in love with him? Maybe I'm not... It's been a while since I've felt that but--I dunno... 

If I wasn't in love why did I have to grab that certain something that he left in a certain place? Why would I be driven almost to tears when he fails to acknowledge our barely existent friendship? Why does the thought of him talking only to my friend when I'm right beside that friend tear me to shreds? Why is him being in a relationship alright with me?  Why can I look him right in the eye without flinching but break down into sobs the moment he leaves? I can't really remember how being in love felt... But in that case, time was of the essence--it lasted for four years so, is this one too early to judge? I don't really know... 

Well, on the other hand, if I did love him, would I have had the courage to slap him? Would I not care whether he was in a relationship or not (This is such a double-edged factor... Yes, it confuses me. *_*)? Would I still have giggly fangirl-y moments about him? 

Yes, it confuses me whether this is truly love or not... The wisdom of that delicious cup of Caramel Milk Tea confuses me even more. But as our dear Shakespearean English teacher once said, "Love is indescribable." I'm guessing it's something unfathomable that mere words aren't worthy of defining (Blech, okay. That sounded mushy and gross--but I guess it's true) 

Love or not love? Oh, great milk tea cup, why make me ponder on such little things?

At the moment, I don't know... But I do know that that was one hell of a good cup of Caramel Milk Tea.

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